Neon Shadows Over Mutant Town — Rottmnt fanfiction

Between Donatello and April O'Neil and Splinter and Baron Draxum as parent-child.

Chapter 1: The Mystery Circuit

The buzz of neon lights was like a siren song to the inhabitants of Mutant Town, drawing in the eclectic mix of residents and the occasional brave outsider. But for Donatello, hunched over his latest gadget in the lair's dim light, the night's allure was nothing compared to the enchantment of technology.

April O'Neil, her ever-curious eyes scanning the room, leaned in close over Donnie's shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of his work. "Whatcha got there, Donnie?" she asked, her voice a mix of intrigue and the easy familiarity that comes with years of friendship.

He didn't look up, his brow furrowed in concentration as his fingers worked deftly. "Not sure yet," Donatello muttered. "There's something... off about this circuit. It's like it’s been... waiting for something."

A low chuckle filled the lair as Splinter, their sensei and, more importantly, their father, stepped out of the shadows. "Perhaps it awaits your genius, my son." He glanced at April with a nod. "Or maybe it simply needed a friend's presence to reveal its purpose."

It was all the encouragement Donatello needed. Re-energized, he recalibrated his sensors, and suddenly, the circuit sputtered to life, casting a blue glow upon their faces. Hidden data streamed across his screen—coordinates, schematics, something far more intricate than he'd expected.

"Whoa, dude, that's some serious mojo!" a voice exclaimed from the entrance of the lair as Michelangelo skated in, pizza in hand, nearly colliding with April. "Oops, sorry April! But seriously Donnie, what's the deal?"

April's eyes met Donnie's in a silent moment of understanding. "This isn't just any random piece of tech," April said, the pieces clicking into place. "It's a map, a plan... It's a message."

Donatello's fingers froze above the keyboard. A message? From whom? And why was it hidden so deeply within his own designs? He pondered silently, the gears of his mind spinning as fast as they could go.

Splinter's wise eyes observed the scene, a sliver of concern hidden deep within them, though his exterior remained calm. "A message that is not meant for everyone," he spoke, drawing their attention. "Be cautious, my children."

The word 'children' hung in the air, a reminder of their bond, their shared past, and the countless lessons Splinter had taught them. It was a bond that no secret, no mysterious message, could ever break... or could it?

Donatello met April's determined gaze. "We've got to get to the bottom of this," he declared, newfound resolve hardening his voice.

And so it was decided. They would follow the circuit's hidden message into the very heart of Mutant Town, unaware that the shadows clinging to the neon lights harbored more than just their share of secrets.

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