Eclipsing Horizons — Mass Effect fanfiction

Between Commander Shepard and Garrus Vakarian and Tali'Zorah vas Normandy and Liara T'Soni and Urdnot Wrex as romantic.

Chapter 1: Shadows of the Past

The Normandy SR-3, a symbol of resilience and hope, cut through the ink-black void like a lone sentinel, its engines humming with a quiet strength. Within its metal confines, Commander Shepard stood silently at the observation deck, eyes fixed on the swirling vortex of a nearby nebula. The cosmos, with its endless mysteries, had always offered a strange comfort in troubled times like these.

"Shepard," a familiar voice called, warm yet carrying a concern that could not be disguised. Garrus Vakarian, the Turian who had been more than just a comrade in arms, approached with his signature grace, the light from the stars casting a soft blue hue over his rugged features.

Shepard turned, a faint smile cutting through the tension. "Scanning for trouble, Garrus?"

"You could say that," Garrus replied with a slight tilt of his head, stepping closer. "I've been going over the reports from C-Sec. This Prothean artifact that's been uncovered... it's causing quite a stir."

Tension returned to Shepard's stance, a subtle shift from ease to command. "People are scared, Garrus. They're afraid of what the artifact represents, another possible war. That's why they're panicking, looking for someone to take charge. And that's where we come in."

Garrus nodded, the unspoken truth hanging between them. "I trust you, Shepard. If you say we need to get involved, then that's what we'll do."

Their eyes locked, a silent exchange of determination and respect that had been tempered in countless battles. It was a foundation that had slowly, irreversibly developed into something more profound, intimate. A relationship that had started in the trenches was blooming amidst the stars.

A squawk from the comm interrupted their reverie. "Commander, you're going to want to see this," Tali'Zorah's voice crackled through the ship. "It's about the artifact."

Shepard and Garrus exchanged a quick glance before heading towards the War Room. The crew had fallen into a comforting rhythm, each member playing to their strengths. Tali's expertise with technology, Liara's unparalleled knowledge of the Protheans, and Wrex's tactical brute force were more than assets; they were the threads that wove the tapestry of the Normandy's spirit.

As the details of the report washed over Shepard, the scope of the situation began to crystallize. The Prothean artifact was not merely an object of historical significance; it was a beacon. A silent call resonating through the darkness, beckoning a shadow from the galaxy's fringe—a rogue faction, led by a figure steeped in myth.

"The Shadow Broker," Liara stated, her voice carrying the weight of an unresolved past. "This conspiracy... it could be the Broker's machinations. It's exactly their style, using chaos for control."

Shepard's mind raced, connecting the dots of subterfuge that spread across the galactic map. The next few steps were fraught with peril, each move needing to be precise, deliberate.

"Alright, team," Shepard began, a sense of resolve permeating the air. "Let's get the facts. We need to understand what we're up against. Liara, dig up everything you can on the Broker's activities. Tali, I need you to liaise with the tech team, ensure that artifact doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Garrus, Wrex—prepare the ground team. We're heading out as soon as we're ready. We can't let fear dictate the future of this galaxy."

As the crew disbursed, Garrus lingered, his gaze meeting Shepard's. The unspoken words were louder than any command—a vow to stand beside each other, come what may. And with that, the Normandy set its course, charging headlong into the silent whispers of betrayal and intrigue.

The shadows of the past were creeping over the horizon, but together, Shepard and Garrus were determined to chase them back into the dark.

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