Twin Dragons of Kyoto — Dxd fanfiction

Between Issei Hyoudou and Vali Lucifer as siblings.

Chapter One: The Twin Dragon Prophecy

The air in Kyoto had a charged feel to it, as if the very fabric of reality thinned and the supernatural became just another part of the historical city's everyday hustle. Underneath the veil of an unassuming world, Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels played their ever-conspiring games, weaving fates with threads of intrigue and power.

Issei Hyoudou, the ever-rousing young Devil with the soul of the Welsh Dragon, found himself in the heart of the city on what seemed like another simple reconnaissance mission. "Simple" was hardly ever true in his line of work, especially when dealing with objects that echoed the myths of old. His instructions were to retrieve an artifact, nondescript in appearance, but immeasurable in power—a relic said to be older than the factions themselves.

The nighttime streets of Kyoto were a canvas of shadows and whispers, the moon casting an ethereal glow on the ancient temples and modern architecture in a serene mesh. Issei’s mind was elsewhere though, fixated on the job at hand and the heavy feeling in his chest that he couldn't quite place. Like a portent hanging above his head, warning him of a storm on the horizon.

"It should be around here," he muttered to himself, consulting a worn map illuminated under the soft light from his phone. The instructions on the map were cryptic, a collection of riddles and landmarks known only to few. His heart leapt as he closed in on the final mark, tucked away in an unsuspecting corner of the city where history slept silently.

Vali Lucifer, carrier of the Vanishing Dragon and Issei's perceived eternal rival, was also on the move that evening. A whisper of a presence, he advanced through the alleys with grace born from a lifetime of conflict—a stark contrast to Issei's impatient fervor. Vali was also drawn to the relic, though his motivations lay shrouded in layers far deeper than mere acquisition. He was following the threads of his own fate that night, and they threatened to tangle in ways he had not anticipated.

The moment Issei reached out to touch the stone surface where the artifact was said to be hidden, a spectral light flared from the etchings, casting a glow that spilled across the alley. Patterns emerged, intertwining designs that signaled the awakening of power, and suddenly the air crackled with energy.

"You should be more cautious, Hyoudou," a voice as cold as it was familiar sliced through the charged air. Vali stepped from the shadows, his gaze fixed on the glowing wall as much as on the dumbfounded Issei.

"Lucifer. So, you're after this thing too, huh? I should have known," Issei said, clenching his fist, the Boosted Gear on his arm coming to life with a soft red light, in response to the invisible tension.

But before hostility could erupt into their usual clash, the wall before them began to move. It was as if the ancient stone breathed a sigh, the artifact within revealing itself—a simple, unadorned vellum scroll, framed by the stone which now parted to cradle its form. The etchings around it shimmered, and upon their lines, an ancient language spoke of a prophecy—a twin dragon prophecy that tethered their fates together.

As they both examined the script, the truth became inescapably clear: Issei and Vali, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, were not just rivals; they were kin, their blood shared and the story of their lineage one that was entwined from the moment of their birth. The celestial dance of power and destiny had only just begun.

The revelation struck a chord within them that would forever alter the course of their narrative. As the scroll glowed between them, a long-hidden history unveiled itself, and in that moment, the Twin Dragons of Kyoto knew the night's encounter was preordained, their future actions inescapably linked as the story of dragons once again began to unfold within the ancient city of Kyoto.

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